All Day Seminar
Turf Teacher Seminars will get you all of your Business Credits for both the NCLCLB & NCICLB License as well as all the required Landscape Credits. Some seminars will have a pesticide focus while others will have a irrigation so choose the seminar that best suits your licensing requirements.
The locations and dates listed below are good for all (7) NCLCLB Credits and either all (10) NCICLB Credits or (3) Pesticide Credits in Categories L, D, N & X. We are also offering a stand alone NCDA&CS Pesticide Credit day where you will receive (3) NCLCLB L Credits and (6) Pesticide Credits. At each seminar, except for Pesticide Day, you will receive (4) Business Credits for both the NCLCLB & NCICLB and (3) Landscape or Technical Credits for the NCLCLB. The four business hours will be taught from 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. and then the technical credits will be presented. If you only need NCLCLB credits you will finish at 2:00 P.M. If you need the remaining Irrigation hours you will continue until 5:00 P.M. We will have a working lunch from 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. and you must be present for all seven or ten credits. You cannot sign up for single credit hours. Click on each link to register for the seminar that fulfills your license requirements. Course dates and locations in red have been completed or rescheduled.